Wednesday, October 29, 2008
7 Days
I've already voted. Have you? In the state of Wisconsin, we are one of 31 states that allow early voting. So, you can't use the excuse that you're busy on November 4th. If you know you can't make it then, call your city or county clerk's office to find out how you can vote early. Not registered yet? You can do that at the same time as you vote. Just be sure to bring a proof of residence (current utility bill or even a pay stub with your current address).
So please, be sure to vote. Because, really, your vote and voice do count.
Your vote matters.
You matter.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Have you registered to vote yet??
Find out when your deadline to register here, and hopefully you still have time!
Or, click here and enter your address to find out where and when you can register!
Go now!
And if you've registered already, you're my favorite!
ps. I love Stephen Colbert