Monday, April 07, 2008

Oh, poop

All day today, I've been thinking of an update for this here blog, and I had it all worked out... but now I'm all tired and really don't feel like typing allll of that out, so I'm just updating to say that I will be updating tomorrowish, or Wednesdayish. But, since I'm here, I'll just say WOO HOO NEW HAIR AGAIN and then point you to my Picasa page for new hair goodness.

Farwell for now! I shall come again! Soon!!


Music pick for the Day: "Fever" by A Fine Frenzy (ok. I realize that I've been on an A Fine Frenzy kick lately, but good lord, she's just awesome!)
Beverage pick for the Day: water (yay! no soda!!)
Socks for the Day: purple knee highs with polka dots

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